Friday, August 2, 2013

why this blog

i used to blog. i loved it. we were living in this cute little basement apartment. i had time. i loved the chance to write and document silly nothings of ideas, dreams, interests, experiences, and all the little what nots of being a newlywed. i never had a huge following- i would get excited if 60 people viewed my blog in a day. never had commenters or made any money. i did it for the pure pleasure of documenting and sharing life as a i saw it.

i hate that i stopped.

so much has happened since my last blog post on my old blog.
we moved. two times.
we bought a house.
i got pregnant.
we had our little girl.
we brought her home.

we are now almost three months into this whole parenting thing.
and i want to document it. if for no other reason than to have something to look back on.

around the start of my third trimester, nathan (my husband) suggested that we do a blog together and talk about our adventures and experiences as we become parents. i loved the idea. he knew how much i loved blogging, and how one of my favorite blogs to follow is written by a husband/wife duo. so i thought this was a great idea.

i planned to get started on it sooner. excuses excuses, but let's just say, it's tough being a parent!

so here it is. our blog. on being parents. on being a family. on being in love. on living life with joie (french for joy- and the middle name of our "little love" as we call her). on living life with joy.

we blog with no promise to blog everyday.
we blog with the promise to be honest. transparent. real. open.

so come along and join us. you'll see posts by me (usually longer and rambling and full of pics) and by nathan (those will be the better written and more amusing ones most likely, as my husband is the most excellent writer). and maybe the occasional post from our little love's perspective.

for now, enjoy one of our first family photos:

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